Keyoti RapidSpell Web .NET Help Docs
OnValidatorNeedsText Method (e)
API DocumentationKeyoti.RapidSpellRapidSpellWInlineOnValidatorNeedsText(ValidatorNeedsTextEventArgs)
Keyoti RapidSpell Web .NET
Raises the ValidatorNeedsText event, allowing e.TextBoxText to be set with the text to validate.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
protected virtual void OnValidatorNeedsText(
	ValidatorNeedsTextEventArgs e
Protected Overridable Sub OnValidatorNeedsText ( _
	e As ValidatorNeedsTextEventArgs _
virtual void OnValidatorNeedsText(
	ValidatorNeedsTextEventArgs^ e

Assembly: Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb (Module: Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb) Version: