Keyoti RapidSpell Web .NET Help Docs
CheckTextBoxForErrors Method
API DocumentationKeyoti.RapidSpellRapidSpellWInlineCheckTextBoxForErrors()()()
Keyoti RapidSpell Web .NET
Evaluates the text in the assigned text box for errors, this is called during validation. Returns true if there are errors, false if there are no errors or if the text box couldn't be accessed (see remarks).
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public virtual bool CheckTextBoxForErrors()
Public Overridable Function CheckTextBoxForErrors As Boolean
virtual bool CheckTextBoxForErrors()
Access the text box using Parent.FindControl(TextComponentID), so the TextComponentID must be the ID of the text box and the text box and this control must be in the same naming container (eg. page, user control, grid item).

This method fires the ValidatorNeedsText event, which allows you to pass the text to check.

Assembly: Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb (Module: Keyoti.RapidSpellWeb) Version: